Functional Medicine and Hair Loss

Functional Medicine and Hair Loss

Functional medicine is an area of medicine that uses the theory that certain conditions, such as cancer and diabetes, are not caused by a single factor, but rather by a collection of factors. Some of these factors include stress, hormonal imbalances, and COVID-19. If you have been experiencing hair loss and have not found any relief, you may be interested in learning more about the methods that functional medicine can help you with.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes loss of hair. It can occur at any age, but is most common in children and young adults. The condition can be triggered by emotional stress or a physical injury.

Those with alopecia areata often find it difficult to cope with the disease. They may experience anxiety and depression, and their quality of life is affected. While there is no cure for alopecia areata, there are treatments that can improve the symptoms and help re-grow hair.

Initially, alopecia areata is not painful. However, after a while, you may notice a burning sensation or tingling in your scalp. You may also develop a bald patch that has a rough surface.

Your health care provider can diagnose alopecia areata based on its appearance. If you have alopecia areata, you should take measures to treat it as soon as possible. This can include changes in your diet, supplements, and lifestyle.


COVID-19 for functional medicine hair loss can be caused by various factors. Stress is one of the main contributors. Aside from stress, some individuals are also experiencing hormonal changes due to pregnancy or postpartum. In addition, some harsh chemical treatments and hair care can also contribute to hair loss.

COVID-19 for functional medicine hair loss is most commonly associated with telogen effluvium. This is an inflammatory cytokine that can change the growth phase of the hair follicle. Telogen effluvium typically begins three months after a stressful event. However, a study found that it could start even as early as two months after infection.

TE can be treated with stress reduction and other general measures. Other local treatments include topical therapy with minoxidil and platelet-rich plasma therapy.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances are a common problem that can affect men and women. They are caused by medical conditions, emotional states, and lifestyle choices. In addition to hair loss, these issues can affect a person’s health and quality of life.

Hormones are a very important part of our lives. These chemicals work with various organs to make us feel and perform the way we want to. However, some of these chemicals can get out of control, causing side effects that affect the body in ways we may not always realize.

For example, too much estrogen can lead to hair loss. Testosterone is another essential hormone that helps our bodies develop. If we have too little of it, our metabolism slows down, making us less energetic.


There are several things to do and see when it comes to the hair. One of the more important is using the right type of shampoo. A good shampoo should provide nourishment for the hair follicles, but should not strip the color from the hair. If you are using a product with an active ingredient that may harm the follicles, you might want to avoid that particular treatment. The same applies to treatments with chemicals that can be detrimental to the hair.

Another trick is to reduce your stress level. Anxiety is a big part of the equation, and if you suffer from chronic stress, you’ll find it harder to look your best. To mitigate this, it’s a good idea to get up at least once a day and take a walk. You can also consider using aromatherapy or a scented shower to sooth your nerves.

Traditional medicine vs functional medicine

Traditional medicine and functional medicine are two different approaches to   treating hair loss. These approaches differ in what they look for and how they treat the underlying cause of the problem. Both approaches seek to help you achieve your health goals. However, traditional medicine focuses on controlling specific conditions while functional medicine aims to improve your life.

There are a number of reasons why women experience hair loss. They include hormonal imbalances, autoimmune issues, and poor gut health. Some of these factors are caused by genetics, while others are environmental. It can be scary to learn that you are losing your hair. But there are treatments available, including laser treatment, medication, and surgery. And if you are concerned about your condition, a doctor can help you determine the best treatment for you.

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