Life is change. Sure, that seems like a simple sentence. But, indeed, it is the most complex sentence in existence in reality. Change happens once in life all the time that it happens, each time that it does happen. Nothing ever stays the same. That is the point of this article with a small twist: The only thing that does stay the same is the fact that time passes, and we all need to take the proper actions in relation to time and its capacity for change and progression, or we do miss everything.

As we can tell by concepts and realities of the past and future, time is not just an idle concept we can ignore. As the old saying goes, “remember death, remember change.” Sure, unless we take the proper actions, we are all doomed to changes we do not want. That is the total reality … Continue Reading >>>

Look 10 Years Younger

Look 10 Years Younger

The third of a series of fascinating articles by Derek Boughton about how to look, feel and be years younger naturally.

In the first article we introduced the concept of Facial Isometrics. In the 2nd, we worked on the specific exercises for the neck and chin area. So let’s continue with these anti-aging techniques by moving up a bit!

A. Sides of mouth

While doing these, make sure that you concentrate on using the muscles all the way out to the edge of your face – don’t just use your lip muscles.

a) The action is to pull the side of the lip straight out to the side. As usual, firstly do the left side for at least 10 times, then the right side, then alternate left and right and finally stretch out both sides at the same time.

b) Now to use the opposing muscles, pull the left end … Continue Reading >>>