What is a Fue Hair Transplant?

More and more people are suffering from baldness, and most people cannot do anything about it. Baldness is generally hereditary, and 70% of all men suffer from it. Many men accept it when they go bald, but there are also men who don’t like it at all. They try different ways to prevent baldness, but this is not always possible. For instance, they may get deeper inlets, but also really suffer from bald spots on the head. Fortunately, nowadays, there is a solution, and you can simply opt for a hair transplant. With a hair transplant, the bald spots are filled in, giving you a full head of hair again. Would you like to know how a hair transplant works? In this article, we tell you all about it, so you can find out more.

How does a hair transplant work?

In a hair transplant, hair follicles are harvested from … Continue Reading >>>

Functional Medicine and Hair Loss

Functional medicine is an area of medicine that uses the theory that certain conditions, such as cancer and diabetes, are not caused by a single factor, but rather by a collection of factors. Some of these factors include stress, hormonal imbalances, and COVID-19. If you have been experiencing hair loss and have not found any relief, you may be interested in learning more about the methods that functional medicine can help you with.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes loss of hair. It can occur at any age, but is most common in children and young adults. The condition can be triggered by emotional stress or a physical injury.

Those with alopecia areata often find it difficult to cope with the disease. They may experience anxiety and depression, and their quality of life is affected. While there is no cure for alopecia areata, there are treatments that … Continue Reading >>>

Which Exercise is Best for Hair Growth?

When it comes to which exercise is best for hair growth, there are many factors to consider. You may want to try out different exercises to see which one is the most effective. Some of the most popular exercises include yoga, HIIT workouts, and breathwork. These all help stimulate the scalp’s blood circulation and increase hair growth.


Yoga is a great way to improve the health of your hair. It will also increase blood circulation, which helps to nourish and re-grow your hair.

Certain yoga poses are best for hair growth. One of them is the forward bending pose. This pose stretches the abs and stimulates nerves on the scalp.

Another is the downward dog pose. This yoga pose increases blood circulation in the head and scalp. The downward dog yoga asana will also help to alleviate stress and tension.

Sasangasana is another yoga pose that will strengthen your … Continue Reading >>>

Stressed and Overwhelmed? Try This

With the continuous onslaught of information delivered by smartphones, smartwatches, and other devices, your peace of mind can start to take a hit. Whether you are comparing yourself with seemingly perfect people on social media or simply reading your tenth news story, it can be hard to wind down at the end of the day. Still, there are actions you can take to make your day calmer and your night more restful. 

One such option for decreasing anxiety and enhancing relaxation is cannabinol oil, also known as CBD oil. Though it is not fully understood how the ingredient works, CBD is believed to interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. This may alter serotonin signals. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is connected to depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that when those suffering from anxiety or depression used CBD oil, their quality of life improved. 

In addition … Continue Reading >>>

Natural Weight Loss Tips:

We would all like a little help in losing weight naturally and healthily. There are many fast fat loss diets and tricks around, but those don’t help you to keep off the weight and you’ll end up yo-yo dieting. Those diets also don’t give you balanced and healthy meals to enjoy, and you’ll likely not feel full and always looking for more to eat. To keep the pounds off for good requires dedication, commitment, and a measured effort to lose weight in a healthy way.

To learn about more of these methods, read online reviews of diet and fitness companies, products and services. Real-world people have rated and reviewed those on platforms such as Reviews Bird by sharing their insights so that you can make better informed decisions for your diet and health.

The best weight loss strategy is to actually undergo small lifestyle changes. Those changes will form … Continue Reading >>>