Healthy Low Carb Diet | Rethinking Calorie Intake | Avoiding Long Term Ketosis

Calorie Intake

A healthy low carb diet will take into account calories as well as carbs. It’s an immutable law of physics that if we take in more calories than we burn we will not lose weight. I don’t care if we’re eating salmon and olive oil all day.

We must know roughly how many calories we’re taking in and we must lower that amount just slightly (200 – 400k) in order to burn off body fat. More important we’re going to cycle our calories up and down in a zig zag manner.

What this does is trick the body into burning much more fat than if we kept our calories constant day after day. We’re using our own hormonal environment – the most effective fat burning technique available to us.

Long Term Ketosis

 “Ketosis … Continue Reading >>>

A Good Parrot Diet is Essential For a Healthy Parrot

A Good Parrot Diet is Essential For a Healthy Parrot

Having a parrot as a pet requires setting up a very good, healthy parrot diet so that the parrot does not become sick and die in just a few years. Parrots actually have a very long lifespan and when you have a pet parrot it pays to take the time when you get the parrot to find out exactly what should be fed to it so that you are keeping the parrot in optimal health.

Size of your parrot.

Getting the diet sorted out is not difficult to do. It is just a matter of listing a diet that is suitable to the parrot. Parrots of similar size eat similar diets, so the main consideration you need to make initially is the actual size of the parrot you have or that you intend to purchase.

For example, you most certainly would not expect an African Gray Parrot to eat the … Continue Reading >>>