Stressed and Overwhelmed? Try This

With the continuous onslaught of information delivered by smartphones, smartwatches, and other devices, your peace of mind can start to take a hit. Whether you are comparing yourself with seemingly perfect people on social media or simply reading your tenth news story, it can be hard to wind down at the end of the day. Still, there are actions you can take to make your day calmer and your night more restful. 

One such option for decreasing anxiety and enhancing relaxation is cannabinol oil, also known as CBD oil. Though it is not fully understood how the ingredient works, CBD is believed to interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. This may alter serotonin signals. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is connected to depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that when those suffering from anxiety or depression used CBD oil, their quality of life improved. 

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