Private Health Insurance Examples

Private health insurance is an important part of many people’s lives. The Affordable Care Act has allowed many Americans to purchase private health insurance, with subsidies to help lower the cost. There are a variety of different types of private health insurance, including HMOs, catastrophic, and self-funded plans. This article will outline some of the most common options available.

Affordable Care Act subsidies for private health insurance

Health insurance subsidies for private health insurance are offered by the federal government, and they help individuals and families afford coverage. These subsidies are based on a few factors, including income and age.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) allows for subsidies to be offered to people purchasing plans on the federal government’s exchange. These subsidies are a great way for lower-income policyholders to avoid high premiums.

Those who are eligible can take advantage of premium tax credits to offset monthly premiums, and in … Continue Reading >>>