How To Recognize Potential Melanoma

Melanoma is not the most common type of skin cancer. It is, however, considered the most dangerous because of its ability to spread quickly. Fortunately, if caught early, melanoma is very treatable. A comprehensive skin treatment Midland MI can identify and confirm a diagnosis of melanoma.

Melanoma lesions often appear as large moles, so it can be difficult to distinguish them from harmless skin variations. The following are signs that a skin lesion may be malignant.


A dark spot or mole that is larger than the diameter of a pencil eraser should be evaluated right away for melanoma, especially if it wasn’t there before. An existing mole that changes size to become larger is also very suspicious for malignancy.


Melanoma lesions can vary in color, having shades of white, brown, black, or tan. Sometimes there are even spots of blue or red. As the melanoma evolves, it … Continue Reading >>>