What is a Fue Hair Transplant?

More and more people are suffering from baldness, and most people cannot do anything about it. Baldness is generally hereditary, and 70% of all men suffer from it. Many men accept it when they go bald, but there are also men who don’t like it at all. They try different ways to prevent baldness, but this is not always possible. For instance, they may get deeper inlets, but also really suffer from bald spots on the head. Fortunately, nowadays, there is a solution, and you can simply opt for a hair transplant. With a hair transplant, the bald spots are filled in, giving you a full head of hair again. Would you like to know how a hair transplant works? In this article, we tell you all about it, so you can find out more.

How does a hair transplant work?

In a hair transplant, hair follicles are harvested from … Continue Reading >>>