What is a Fue Hair Transplant?

More and more people are suffering from baldness, and most people cannot do anything about it. Baldness is generally hereditary, and 70% of all men suffer from it. Many men accept it when they go bald, but there are also men who don’t like it at all. They try different ways to prevent baldness, but this is not always possible. For instance, they may get deeper inlets, but also really suffer from bald spots on the head. Fortunately, nowadays, there is a solution, and you can simply opt for a hair transplant. With a hair transplant, the bald spots are filled in, giving you a full head of hair again. Would you like to know how a hair transplant works? In this article, we tell you all about it, so you can find out more.

How does a hair transplant work?

In a hair transplant, hair follicles are harvested from … Continue Reading >>>

Analyze Your DNA From The Comfort Of Your Home

Analyzing your DNA from the comfort of your home has never been easier. With the advent of DNA home test kits by dnacenter.com, you can now gain insights into your genetic makeup without ever leaving your home. These kits allow you to collect a DNA sample, typically by saliva, and mail it back to the lab for analysis. The results are then sent back to you, usually within a few weeks, and can reveal information about your ancestry, genetic health risks, and even help you find long-lost relatives. The at home DNA test options are numerous and widely available. You can choose from a basic test that will give you information on your ethnicity and ancestry or a more comprehensive test that will provide information on your health and wellness.

Stay away from scams

When it comes to purchasing a DNA sample kit, it is important to stay away … Continue Reading >>>

Daily Hair Care Tips That Will Have You Looking Like a Million Bucks in No Time!

If you’ve been looking for some simple ways to take care of your hair, you’ve come to the right place. These daily hair care tips are easy to follow and will have you looking like a million bucks in no time!

Avoid washing your hair every day

If you are like most people, you don’t want to wash your hair every day. Washing your hair every day will do more harm than good. It can damage your hair and leave it feeling dull and dry.

Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the ill effects of over washing your hair. One of the first things to do is find the sweet spot for washing your hair.

This is usually based on your hair’s texture. For example, if your hair is extremely coarse and curly, you will need to wash it less frequently than someone with finer … Continue Reading >>>

Post Covid Hair Loss Remedy

A post covid hair loss remedy can help you if you are experiencing a lot of hair loss on your head. Among the causes of this type of condition are stress, Vitamin deficiency, and Telogen effluvium. These causes can be easily prevented and treated, so you can get back to looking your best.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium is the name of the hair loss that occurs in some people after a severe illness. It is not a permanent condition and does not damage the hair follicles. However, it can be a symptom of other health issues.

Infections and surgery are known to trigger telogen effluvium. These events may cause a temporary shedding of hair that can last for up to six months.

If you are experiencing a shedding of hair, it is important to seek professional advice from a hair loss specialist. They can assess the problem and provide treatments … Continue Reading >>>

What is the Best Treatment for Healthy Hair?

If you’re looking for a treatment for healthy hair, there are many things you can try. There are some great products out there, such as coconut oil and aloe vera, that can help keep your hair looking its best. However, it’s important to remember that no single product can solve all of your problems. The best thing to do is to make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. This can be done by taking vitamin supplements or eating foods rich in them.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best treatments for healthy hair. It has a calming effect on irritated scalps, and it also protects your hair from damage from the sun. Aside from dandruff, aloe can be used to treat most common scalp issues.

Aloe has a high-water content. This means it can draw moisture from the air and from the environment.

In … Continue Reading >>>