A Diet for Hair Loss for Men With Thinning Hair

It’s very common for men to suffer from hair loss. This is due to a number of factors. First of all, the male hormone testosterone plays a role. But, there are some other causes, such as genetics, a high level of mercury, or even vitamin deficiencies.

Fortunately, there is a diet for hair loss that can help you reduce the amount of hair you lose.

Vitamin deficiency

One of the most common questions I get as a male scribe is “what is the best diet for men with thinning hair?” Well, there are numerous factors to consider when putting together a dietary regimen. There is the standard stuff like protein, folic acid, zinc and so on. And then there are the pricier and more specialized treatments like hair transplants, chemical hair coloring and laser hair removal. As you can imagine, the best way to get the best possible treatment is to have a doctor take a comprehensive health history, discuss your lifestyle and expectations and determine what is best for you.


There are many hair loss prevention options out there, and it’s not just about the latest hair styling gimmick. If you’re serious about your hair and health, you’ll want to consider a more holistic approach. This includes dietary changes, a better sleep routine and exercise. You may also wish to consult your doctor for additional advice and guidance. In particular, men should pay attention to their testosterone levels, as this is the leading cause of male pattern baldness.… Continue Reading >>>

Miracle Drink for Hair Growth

If you have always had hair that has been slow growing, or if your hair is already on the thin side, you may want to try using a miracle drink for hair growth. There are a variety of options, such as aloe vera, kiwi juice, biotin, and green tea, to help with the process. These are all natural, easy to make, and safe to consume.

Amla juice

Amla juice is a super food that contains many useful nutrients for healthy hair. It is a natural source of Vitamin C and antioxidants. These ingredients help prevent the damage caused by free radicals. They also strengthen hair follicles and promote growth.

Another great benefit of amla is that it can be used as an internal conditioner. When ingested, it helps remove dead skin cells, which results in a glowing complexion.

And, it helps prevent dandruff.

Amla is a powerful antioxidant that can fight off toxins. Moreover, it also possesses anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. The nutrients in amla support the production of collagen, which is essential for hair growth. Collagen helps replace dead cells in the follicles, increasing the length and volume of the hair.

Kiwi juice

When it comes to improving your hair health, you can’t beat kiwi juice. This nutritious drink is packed with antioxidants and vitamin E. These nutrients promote the growth of healthy and thick hair. However, you should avoid overconsumption of this natural fruit.

Kiwi juice is made by blending the pulp of a kiwi fruit. It is … Continue Reading >>>

Functional Medicine and Hair Loss

Functional medicine is an area of medicine that uses the theory that certain conditions, such as cancer and diabetes, are not caused by a single factor, but rather by a collection of factors. Some of these factors include stress, hormonal imbalances, and COVID-19. If you have been experiencing hair loss and have not found any relief, you may be interested in learning more about the methods that functional medicine can help you with.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes loss of hair. It can occur at any age, but is most common in children and young adults. The condition can be triggered by emotional stress or a physical injury.

Those with alopecia areata often find it difficult to cope with the disease. They may experience anxiety and depression, and their quality of life is affected. While there is no cure for alopecia areata, there are treatments that can improve the symptoms and help re-grow hair.

Initially, alopecia areata is not painful. However, after a while, you may notice a burning sensation or tingling in your scalp. You may also develop a bald patch that has a rough surface.

Your health care provider can diagnose alopecia areata based on its appearance. If you have alopecia areata, you should take measures to treat it as soon as possible. This can include changes in your diet, supplements, and lifestyle.


COVID-19 for functional medicine hair loss can be caused by various factors. Stress is one of the main contributors. Aside … Continue Reading >>>

Cardio Exercise for Hair Growth

Cardio exercise is one of the most important ways to keep yourself in tip-top shape, but you should also know how to do it properly. It’s not just about working up a sweat; you should be aware of the various forms you can take, from jogging to yoga poses.


There are many benefits to jogging as cardio exercise for hair growth. The main ones include improved heart health, increased blood flow, and a reduced stress level.

Other beneficial effects include better weight management and less insulin resistance. Jogging also helps you maintain your body’s flexibility as you get older.

Another benefit of jogging as cardio exercise for hair is that it can help you build muscle. You can gain muscle mass by combining strength training with jogging. It also increases your metabolism and can boost your feel-good energy.

Running, jogging, and walking are all great ways to improve your cardiovascular health. They will also help your body absorb vitamins and minerals. If you can do these exercises three to four times a week, you should be in good shape.

Running is one of the more popular types of cardio exercise. While it may not be as effective as other forms of exercise for your hair, it will still help your overall health.

Yoga poses

Yoga exercises for hair growth provide a variety of benefits. They increase blood flow to the scalp, which strengthens the hair follicles and reduces hair loss. In addition, yoga exercises for hair growth are effective … Continue Reading >>>

Best Vitamins for Hair Loss

There are plenty of vitamins out there that help with hair loss, and it’s important to know what the best ones are for you. These aren’t all the same though, and each one has its own benefits. I’ll discuss the differences, and also give some tips for picking out the best ones for your needs.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for a healthy body and it has been known to promote hair growth. However, it is important to know how to take the right amount of it to help your body achieve optimal health.

There are several sources of Vitamin A that you can rely on. This vitamin is a natural antioxidant and is responsible for protecting your skin from free radical damage.

This vitamin also helps your body make sebum, a natural oil that keeps your scalp moisturized. If your scalp becomes dry, you may experience split ends, dandruff, and hair loss.

Another way to boost your Vitamin A intake is to increase the amount of foods you eat that contain it. Fruits like oranges and strawberries are a good source, as are vegetables like spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes. You can even take supplements.

However, Vitamin A is only one of the many vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy. Several others are required for healthy hair and skin, including vitamin D, B12, and C. All of these nutrients should be present in your diet in a balanced manner.


Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that … Continue Reading >>>